
Sanyang Textile Co.,Ltd.

San Yang Textile Co., Ltd.

Add: NO.106, Liqi Rd. Lijin County, Dongying City, Shandong Provice, China    
URL: www.vunemqr.cn

Talent concept

Only people without mediocrity, no bad students, not only teach good teacher training, the company always put as the biggest welfare of employees, each employee's competency is best for the company return. In personnel selection, use, adhere to the "open, fair and impartial" principle, so that those who can afford, light let, Yongzhe ", at the same time, the introduction of performance mechanism, so that each one has the ability, technology, dedication, sense of responsibility and enterprising people in the company constantly improve and give full play to their ability and cleverness, achieve the ultimate occupation career goal, the maximum value of life.

苍溪县| 厦门市| 高陵县| 河东区| 麻江县| 绩溪县| 和平县| 石林| 环江| 高邑县| 碌曲县| 都安| 石景山区| 黄龙县| 陆川县| 齐齐哈尔市| 寿光市| 丹阳市| 军事| 丹阳市| 陆川县| 光泽县| 宜兰市| 新源县| 永嘉县| 富川| 通许县| 海淀区| 大埔县| 从化市| 天门市| 兴仁县| 察隅县| 扬中市| 墨竹工卡县| 会宁县| 岳池县| 盐池县| 额济纳旗| 慈利县| 日土县|